
Zac's Facial Hair To Be or Not To Be?

zac efron mustache 01Who knew a little facial hair could cause so much decent? "He should lose the 'stache," "He could keep the 'stache!" Usually, I'm totally against moustaches, but Zac's doesn't offend me. In fact, as long as it doesn't develop into a full blown handle-bar, I will  go as far as to say - wait for it... - I can appreciate Zac's stache.

Do you remember when Zac could only grow peach fuzz? ....Oh, how time flies 

I want to know: are you 'Pro Stache' or 'No Stache'?


zvluva said...

mustaches are the worst!! eww

hannah said...

i hate guys wiv loadsa facial hair - i think it's groos. but zacs doesnt have too much so i dont mind